Thursday, May 28, 2020

Art at Home for Week of June 1

Welcome back Center School friends,
the theme for this week
is Under The Sea. If the weather is nice, it would be a great
idea to bring your art supplies and do your lesson outside!
Scroll down to see your lesson for the week, and
as always remember that you can email me a photo of
your finished work to be added to our online art gallery.

Flip Flop Fish inspired by the book, You Be You
For Grades K and 1

Watch the following video of the story, You Be You by Linda Kranz. Adri
discovers that all fish have something special to share. This is what makes
the world so colorful and beautiful! Notice the colorful designs and the simple
curved shapes of the fish.

Today you will create a colorful fish by tracing your flip flop!

A flip flop, sandal or other shoe
Black marker or crayon
Markers or crayons
Optional: round object such as a cup

*Using the black marker or crayon, trace your flip flop on the paper.
*On the toe side of the flip flop, (the larger side) draw an eye with a
circle, and a dot inside for the pupil. This is a side view of the fish so
you will only see one eye.
*Draw a curved line for the mouth. 
*Add lips with two curved lines, if desired.
*Add curved lines for gills.
*Decorate your fish with colorful designs! Use a variety of lines
and shapes: dots, stripes, wavy lines, zig-zags. Be creative!
*Finish by making a second fish, or maybe a whole fish family!
You can use a circle for a little variety.
*Add an undersea background with seaweed and rocks.

Draw A Sea Turtle
For Grades 2 and 3

Check out these images of real sea turtles.
Notice the patterns of their spots on the head
and flippers. Notice the lines on the shell.
Today you'll be learning to draw a sea turtle and
adding a beautiful ocean background.

Markers, crayons, colored pencils, watercolor paints
or anything to add color

Follow the steps below to draw a sea turtle on your white paper.
Draw lightly in case you need to erase
Once your turtle is complete, fill your background in with sea plants,
other sea creatures, tiny fish, and sand line etc.
Now it's time to add color. You could use markers, crayons,
colored pencils, or even watercolor paints if you have some.
The only rule for adding color is that you need to fill up your entire
paper with color.

Loopy Fish
For Grades 4 and 5

Line is one of the Elements of Art. Artists use many different types
of lines such as straight, curved, dotted, bumpy, zig-zag, spiral, wavy,
curly and loopy. A loopy line is like a curly line, except that it is
stretched out with less crossovers. The loops are larger and
change direction. See the examples below. 
Today you will make colorful fish with a loopy line!
Black marker or pen
Markers, crayons or colored pencils

-Using your pencil, draw a long loopy line that fills the paper.
You should have 5-7 large loops. Trace your line with a black marker or pen.
-Each loop will become a fish! Add the tails by drawing a curved or
wavy line behind each loop.
-On each fish, add details such as a face, gills, and triangle fins.
-Decorate your fish with colorful designs using dots, spikes and stripes.
Be creative- make each one unique!
-Finish by adding an undersea background of seaweed and rocks.

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