
Monday, November 25, 2019

Line and Color Paintings by Grade K

What an amazing display these line and color paintings make!

Mouse Paint by Grade 1

First graders learned about primary colors, secondary colors and color mixing for this painting/collage!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Wire Sculpture Fish

These beautiful sculptures created by grades 3, 4 and 5 were inspired by the wire sculptures and mobile art of Alexander Calder.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Texture Owls

First and second graders are learning all about texture.  They stamped texture into their clay owl sculptures using many unusual tools like Legos, bottle caps, plastic forks, nails and screws and more!

Works of HeART

Students in grades K-5 learned about how artists collaborate.  Each student in the school made one little heart for our enormous heart chains.  They are truly works of HeART !

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Free Choice Day

Many classes in grades 1-5 earned a "Free-Choice Day" recently.  Here's some photos of just a few of the fun activities available on this special day in art!

Circle Weavings by Gr. 5

Fifth graders learned about warp strings, weft, strings, patterns and texture, as well as the history of weaving!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Heather Galler Landscapes by Gr. 2

Second graders were inspired by the colorful landscapes of Heather Galler.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Perspective Drawing Bedrooms by Grade 3

Third graders were inspired by Vincent Van Gogh's painting, Bedroom at Arles before embarking on these perspective drawings.  They did a great job!

Monday, May 20, 2019

Calder Sculptures by Gr. K

Grade K students learned about Alexander Calder, created fabulous sculptures using pipe cleaners, wire, and even some up-cycled cardboard.  They also translated their 3D art into 2D art with a drawing of their sculpture!

Dragonfly Collages by Gr. 1

These stunning collages were made with painted paper, and were done after looking at many many bug images and creating a Bugs-In-A-Jar drawing.