
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Open House/Peacebuilders Chalk Art - Gr. 3 and 4

Some third and fourth grade classes helped decorate the front walkway with welcoming Peacebuilder messages for Open House tonight!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Hand Explosions! By Grades 1 - 5

Inspired by our summer reading book, The Trumpet of the Swan, we brainstormed many various character traits of Louis the Swan and other characters from the book.  Students created a hand using a positive character trait that describes themselves.

Multi-media Swans by Gr. K

Our first project was inspired by our summer community reading book, The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White.  Kindergarteners drew ovals, triangles and curves, and used construction paper, tissue paper, as well as construction paper crayons.