
Friday, April 29, 2016

Weavings by Grade 4

Fourth graders are beginning to complete their fabulous yarn weavings.  The patterns and textures are all so different on each one!

Blob Monsters by Grade K

Students learned about printmaking and symmetry to create "blob prints", which they then used as the face for their "blob monster" creations!

Metal Suns by Grade 5

This project was inspired by Mexican folk art suns that we observed.  Fifth graders then learned about the art form of metal tooling, or pressing metal to make different areas "pop out" or "pop in".

Monet Bridges by Grade 2

These are inspired by Claude Monet's "Bridge Over Pond with Water Lilies".  Second graders masked off their bridge image before painting, and the bridges were revealed after pealing off the tape.  Credit for this awesome project goes out to the art teacher at the Panther's Palette website!

More Upcycled Masks by Grade 1

More images of first grade "Upcycled Masks" because I just think they came out so incredible! 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Mobiles by Grade 3

These mobiles are inspired by the artist Alexander Calder.  To kick off the unit we experimented with balancing virtual mobiles on the Museum of Modern Art's Art Lab iPad app.

Fourth Grade Play

Fourth graders are painting sets and props for their upcoming production of School House Rock!